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LIGHTROOM is a self-care mobile application that serves as a resource for those looking to make improvements upon their daily lives. LIGHTROOM features a mood tracker, journal, library of articles, plans and counselors, and much more.

LIGHTROOM is a prototype and is not to be used as a fully-functional mobile application. Created using Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe XD

Client:           n/a

Industry:         n/a

Services:      app design, content creation, prototyping

Date:            2020


During the brainstorming process, possible users and what those users were looking to accomplish were written up. Future users included, but were not limited to, counselors, young adults, teenagers and their parents.

Personas of the different possible users were created including their personalities, what stage in life they were in and what their most used/favorite mobile apps were


Sketches and low fidelity wireframes were created to survey which designs looked more aesthetically pleasing and which layouts made more sense to future users

Color schemes were decided by polling a random group of possible users. Users were asked what color schemes make them feel calm. Out of the most popular responses, 7 schemes were chosen for the mobile app

After creating a low-fidelity prototype, I conducted remote usability testing via Google Forms and made adjustments to my application accordingly based on user feedback and maintaining the guidelines and requirements I had for LIGHTROOM.

To try out LIGHTROOM, follow the link:


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